Puede consultar en la sección: Biblioteca - Nariz y Senos
Capítulo 1. Introducción.
- Älvarez de Cózar F, Martínez Vidal A, De la Hoz Bel M. Urgencias ORL. Lab. Menarini 1999.
- Martín Zurro A, Cano Pérez JF. Problemas Otorrinolaringológicos. Martín Zurro, 3ª edición 1994: 812-25.
- Lund VJ, Aaronson D, Bousquet J, and The International Rhinitis Management Working Group. International consensus report on the diagnosis and management of rhinitis. Allergy 1994; 49(Suppl 19):1–34.
- Raboso García –Baquero E, Fragola Arnau C, Pantoja Zarza C. Obstrucción nasal crónica en el adulto. FMC 1999; 7: 443-450.
- Schroer B, Pien LC. Non Allergic Rhinitis: Common problem, chronic symptoms. Cleveland Clinical Journal of Medicine. April 2012; Vol 79:285-293.
Settipane GA. Rinitis: Introducci6n. In: Settipane GA. Rhinitis 2 Edf. Providence O: ceanSide1, 1991: l-14.
Capítulo 2. Rinitis vírica aguda – catarro común.
- Afzelius BA. Ultraestructure o human nasal epithelium during an episode of coronavirus infection. Virchows Arch 1994; 424: 295-300.
- Beem MO. Acute espiratory iones in nursey scholl children: A longitudinal study of occurrence of iones and respiratory virases. Am J Epidemiol 1969; 90:30.
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- Siegel CJ, Dockson RJ. An evaluation of childhood rhinorrhea. Ann Allergy 1982;48:9.
- Van Kempen M, Barchert C, Van Cauwenberger P. An update on the pathophysiology of rhinovirus upper respiratory tract infections. Rhinology 1999; 37: 97-103.
Capítulo 3. Rinitis bacteriana aguda inespecífica.
- Gordts F, Abu Nasser I, Clement PA, Pierard D, Kaufman L. Bacteriology of the middle meatus in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 1999;48:163-7.
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- Wald E, Guerra N, Byers C. Upper respiratory infections in young children: duration and frequency of complications. Pediatrics 1991; 87:129- 131.
Capítulo 4. Rinitis infecciosas especificas.
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- Zetola N, Nuemberger E, Bishal W. Community acquired meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: an emerging threat. Lancet Infect Dis 2005; 5:275-86.
Capítulo 5. Rinitis cronicas infecciosas inespecífica.
- Anónimo. Protocolo de tratamiento de rinitis en farmacia comunitaria. Panorama Actual del Medicamento 2000; 24 (231): 178-207.
- Bricks LF, Sih T. Controversial drugs in otorhinolaryngology. J Pediatr (Rio J) 1999; 75:11-22
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Capítulo 6. Fisiopatologia y clinica de las rinitis no alergicas.
- Anggard A. Basic mechanisms in autonomic nervous responses in specific and nonspecific nasal hyperreactivity. Acta Otolaryngol 1993;113: 394–396.
- Baraniuk JN. Neuropeptides. Am J Rhinol 1998;12: 9–16.
- Baraniuk JN, Kaliner MA. Neuropeptides and nasal secretion. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1990;86(4 Pt 2):620–627.
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- Drake-Lee A. Nasal polyps. In: Mackay I, editor. Rhinitis: mechanisms and management. London: Royal Society of Medicine; 1989. p. 141-52.
- Fang SY, Shen CL. Neuropeptide innervation and neuroendocrine cells in allergic rhinitis and chronic hypertrophic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy 1998;28: 228–232.
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- Hamano N, Terada N, Maesako K, et al. Expression of histamine receptors in nasal epithelial cells and endothelial cells – the effects of sex hormones. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 1998;115: 220–227.
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- Powe DG, Huskisson RS, Carney AS, Jenkins D, Jones NS, Evidence for inflammatory pathophysiology in idiopathic rhinitis. Clin Exp Allergy 2001; 31:864-872.
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Capítulo 7. Tipos de rinitis no alérgicas.
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