Capítulo 1.   Exploracion de la voz: examen foniátrico.

  • Carding P, Carlson E, Epstein R, Mathieson L, Shewell C. Re: Evaluation of voice quality. Int J Lang Commun Disord 2001;36(1):127-34.
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  • Fernández Liesa R, Damborenea Tajada D, Rueda Gormendino P, García y García E, Leache Pueyo J, Campos del Alamo M.A. Llorente Arenas E, Naya Gálvez MJ, Análisis acústico de la voz normal en adultos no fumadores. Acta Otorrionolaring Esp 1999;50(2):134-141.
  • Jacobson BH, Jonson A, Grywalski C, Silbergleit A, Jacobson G, Benninger MS, et al. The voice handicap index (VIH): development and validation. Am J Speech Lang Pathol 1997;6:66-70.
  • Kaburagi T, Kawai K, Abe S. Analysis of voice source characteristics using a constrained polynomial representation of voice source signals. J Acoust Soc Am. 2007 Feb;121(2):745-8. (Pub-Med)
  • Fulop SA, Fitz K. Separation of components from impulses in reassigned spectrograms. J Acoust Soc Am. 2007;121(3):1510-8. (Pub-Med)
  • Hsiung MW, Lu P, Kang BH, Wang HW. Measurement and validation of the voice handicap index in voicedisordered patients in Taiwan. Laryngol Otol 2003; 117(6):478-81.
  • Núñez Batalla F, Corte Santos P, Sequeiros Santiago G, Señaris González B, Suárez Nieto C. Evaluación perceptual de la disfonía: correlación con los parámetros acústicos y fiabilidad. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp 2004; 55:282-7.
  • Rosen CA, Murry T, Zinn A, Zullo T, Sonbolian M (2). Voice handicap index change following treatment of voice disorders. J Voice 2000;14(4):619-23.
  • Sataloff RT. Professional voice users: the evaluation of voice disorders. Occup Med 2001;16(4):633-47.
  • Syed I, Daniels E, Bleach NR. Hoarse voice in adults: an evidence-based approach to the 12 minute consultation. Clin Otolaryngol. 2009 Feb;34(1):54-8.
  • Webb AL, Carding PN, Deary IJ, MacKenzie K. The reliability of three perceptual evaluation scales for dysphonia. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2003;13:84- 91.


   Capitulo 2: Exploración de la voz examen instrumental.

  • Fex B, Fex S, Shiromoto O, Hirano M. Acoustic analysis of functional dysphonia: before and after voice therapy (accent method). J Voice. 1994;8(2):163-7.
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  • Hsiung MW, Lu P, Kang BH, Wang HW. Measurement and validation of the voice handicap index in voicedisordered patients in Taiwan. Laryngol Otol 2003;117(6):478-81.
  • Kitzing P, Akerlund L. Long-time average spectrograms of dysphonic voices before and after therapy. Folia Phoniatr (Basel). 1993;45(2):53-61.
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  • Rosen CA, Murry T, Zinn A, Zullo T, Sonbolian M. Voice handicap index change following treatment of voice disorders. J Voice 2000;14(4):619-23.
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  • Sataloff RT. Professional voice users: the evaluation of voice disorders. Occup Med 2001;16(4):633-47.
  • Webb AL, Carding PN, Deary IJ, MacKenzie K. The reliability of three perceptual evaluation scales for dysphonia. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2003;13:84-91.
  • Wolfe V, Fitch J, Cornell R. Acoustic prediction of severity in commonly occurring voice problems. Speech Hear Res 1995;38(2):273-9.
  • Wuyts FL, Molenberghs G, Remacle M, Heylen L, Millet B, Van Lierde K, Raes J, Van de Heyning PH. The Dysphonia Severity Index: An Objective Measure of Vokal Quality Based on a Multiparameter Approach. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 2000;43:796-809.


   Capítulo 3.   Disfonías funcionales.

  • Aronson AE. Clinical Voice Disorders: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Third Edition. Thieme Inc, New York 1990;20-28,41-75,102-28.
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  • Carding PN, Horsley IA, Docherty GJ. A study of the effectiveness of voice therapy in the treatment of 45 patients with nonorganic dysphonia. J Voice 1999;13(1):72-104.
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  • Rivas RM, Fiuza JM. Reflexiones en el estudio de las disfonías. Rev de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiología, 1993;XIII, 4:186-190.
  • Sama A, Carding PN, Price S, Kelly P, Wilson JA. The clinical features of functional dysphonia. Laryngoscope 2001;111(3):458-63.


   Capítulo 4.   Disfonias funcionales hipercinéticas.

  • Aronson AE. Clinical Voice Disorders: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Third Edition. Thieme Inc,New York 1990;20-28,41-75,102-28.
  • Bustos Sánchez I. Reeducación de problemas de la voz. 4ª Edición. Ed. Impresos y Revistas S. A. 1991; 129-205.
  • García Real T, Garcia Real A, Diaz Roman T, Fernandez Roldan A. The outcome of hydration in functional dysphonia: An Otorrinolaringol Ibero Am 2002;29 (4):377-91.
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  • Ramig L, Verdolini K. Treatment efficacy: voice disorders. J Speech Lang Hear Res 1998; 1(1):S101-16.
  • Roy N, Bless DM, Heisey D. Personality and voice disorders: a multitrait-multidisorder analysis. J Voice 2000;14(4):521-48.
  • Sime WE, Healey EC. An interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of a hyperfunctional voice disorder. Biofeedback Self Regul 1993;18(4):281-7.


   Capítulo 5.   Disfonias funcionales hipocinéticas.

  • Carding PN, Horsley IA, Docherty GJ. The effectiveness of voice therapy for patients with non-organic dysphonia. Clin Otolaryngol 1998;23(4):310-8.


   Capítulo 6.   Voz de bandas.


   Capítulo 7.   Disfonias psicógenas.

  • Darby JK, Hollien H. Vocal and speech patterns of depressive patients. Folia Phoniatr 1977; 29(4):279-91.
  • Deary IJ, Wilson JA, Carding PN, Mackenzie K.The dysphonic voice heard by me, you and it: differential associations with personality and psychological distress. Clin Otolaryngol 2003;28(4):374-8.
  • Nichol H, Morrison MD, Rammage LA. Interdisciplinary approach to functional voice disorders: the psychiatrist's role. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1993;108(6):643-7.
  • Peterson HW, Aronson AE, Litin EM. Psychiatric symptomatology in functional dysphonia and aphonia. J Speech Hear Disord 1966;31(2):115-27.