Allergic diseases: diagnosis and treatment.
Phil L. Lieberman. 2ª Ed.
474 pp.  ISBN: 0896036855 / 9780896036857.
Editorial: Humana Press.
Idioma: INGLES -1ª Ed. 1997 -3ª Ed. 2007.
Allergies and Candida: With the Physicist's Rapid Solution.
Volumen 1 de Towards a Science of Healing Series
Steven Rochlitz. 4ª Ed.
273 pp. ISBN: 0945262485 / 9780945262480.
Editorial: Human Ecology Balancing Sciences.
Idioma: INGLES
Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient and Magnetic Connections.
William H Philpott, Dwight K Kalita. 2ª Ed. Revisada.
256 pp. ISBN: 0658003984 / 978-065800398.
Editorial: NTC Publishing Group,U.S.
Idioma: INGLES
Diagnostic Testing of Allergic Disease.
Stephen F. Kemp, Richard F. Lockey.
352 pp. ISBN: 0824703030 / 9780824703035.
Editorial: Marcel Dekker Ltd.
Idioma: INGLES
Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America 2000: Vol nº 20.
855 pp. 4 números por año.
Editorial: Saunders.
Idioma: INGLES
Cytokine and the CD3 receptor deficiencies. Nº 1.
Michael Schatz.
1-235 pp.
Rhinitis. Nº 2.
Mary V Lasley, Leonard C Altman.
245-460 pp. ASIN: B000YBP6EK.
Immunotherapy: a practical review and guide. Nº 3.
Dennis K. Ledford, Richard F. Lockey.
468.-655 pp.
Asthma and allergy during pregnancy. Nº 4.
Michael Schatz.
663.855 pp.
Macrophages: a practical approach.
Donna M. Paulnock. 1ª Ed.
211 pp. ISBN: 0199636885 / 9780199636884.
Editorial: Oxford University Press.
Idioma: INGLES
Rhume des foins et allergies du nez.
Denis Vincent, Lucile Bensignor Clavel. 1ª Ed.
134 pp. ISBN: 2738108008 / 978-2738108005.
Editorial: Odile Jacob.