Elemento no metálico que existe en varias formas alotrópicas.
   Símbolo: S.   Peso atómico: 32.064.  Número atómico: 16.
   <(F): Soufre: est un élément chimique de la famille des chalcogènes, de symbole S et de numéro atomique 16.
   <(Ing): Sulfur, brimstone: an element, atomic no. 16, atomic wt. 32.066, that combines with oxygen to form sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide; these two compounds combine with water to make strong acids. Sulfur combines with many metals and nonmetallic elements to form sulfides; it is mildly laxative, and has been used to treat rheumatism, gout, bronchitis, and, externally, skin diseases.