Malla tridimensional de filamentos proteícos que se cruzan en el citoplasma de las células y que resultan esenciales para que mantengan su forma peculiar, así como para la división celular mediante mitosis o meiosis.
<(F.): Cytosquelette: organites particuliers d'une cellule eucaryote jouant un rôle important dans la structure, le maintien et les transformations cellulaires.
<(In.): Cytoskeleton: is a cellular scaffolding or skeleton contained within the cytoplasm that is made out of protein. The cytoskeleton is present in all cells; it was once thought this structure was unique to eukaryotes, but recent research has identified the prokaryotic cytoskeleton. It is a dynamic structure that maintains cell shape, protects the cell, enables cellular motion, and plays important roles in both intracellular transport and cellular division.