Art. cerebelli superior: nace cerca de la bifurcación del tronco basilar, se introduce entre el cerebro y el cerebelo e irriga los pedúnculos cerebrales (territorio posterior del mesencéfalo), vérmix superior y parte superior de los hemisferios cerebelosos.
   <(F): Artère cérébelleuse supérieure: branche de l'artère basilaire, irrigant le cortex cérébélleux, les pédoncules cérébélleux supérieure et les noyaux cérébélleux.
   <(Ing): Superior cerebellar artery: arises near the termination of the basilar artery. It passes lateralward, immediately below the oculomotor nerve, which separates it from the posterior cerebral artery, winds around the cerebral peduncle, close to the trochlear nerve, and, arriving at the upper surface of the cerebellum, divides into branches which ramify in the pia mater and anastomose with those of the inferior cerebellar arteries. Several branches are given to the pineal body, the anterior medullary velum, and the tela chorioidea of the third ventricle.