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   Capítulo 2. Epidemiologia.
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    Capítulo 3. Etiopatogenia.
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    Capítulo 4. Clínica y formas clínicas.
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     Capítulo 5. Exploración.
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    Capítulo 6. Pruebas complementarias.
  • Alaani A, Hogg R, Saravanappa N, Irving RM. Ananalysisof diagnostic delayin unilateral facial paralysis. J Laryngol Otol. 2005;119:184–8.
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    Capitulo 8. Pronóstico.
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    Capítulo 9. Complicaciones-secuelas
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    Capítulo 10. Tratamiento Médico.
  • Adour KK, Swanson JPJ. Facial paralysis in 403 consecutive patients. Emphasis on treatment response in patients with Bell’s palsy. Transactions American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology 1971;75(6):1284–1301.
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   Capítulo 11. Tratamiento rehabilitador.
  • Alam D. Rehabilitation of long-standing facial nerve paralysis with percutaneous suture-based slings. Arch Facial Plast Surg. 2007;9(3):205-9.
  • Barabás J, Klenk G, Szabó G, Lukáts O, Bogdán S, Decker I, Huszár T. Modified procedure for secondary facial rehabilitation following total bilateral irreversible peripheral facial palsy. J Craniofac Surg. 2007;18(1):169-76.
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  • Linder TE, Pike VE, Linstrom CJ. Early eyelid rehabilitation in facial nerve paralysis. Laryngoscope. 1996;106(9 Pt 1):1115-8.
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