Aspecto de la cara que parece a la de un león. Se produce por lesiones infiltrativas en la piel de la cara y es típica de la lepra lepromatosa.
   <(F): Faciès léonin, léontiasis: hypertrophie de la face lui donnant un aspect léonin. Cette hypertrophie porte généralement sur les téguments ; elle est due à une localisation de la lèpre lépromateuse, quelquefois de la syphilis.
   <(Ing) Leontina facies: a face that resembles that of a lion. It is seen in multiple conditions and has been classically described for Lepromatous leprosy as well as Paget's disease of bone. It is a dermatological symptom, with characteristic facial features that are visible on presentation and is useful for focusing on differential diagnosis. Associated conditions Differential diagnoses include the following: Lepromatous leprosy Paget disease.
  • CISMeF. <(F)
  • PubMed. <(Ing)