<(A.): Petit nerf pétreux superficiel: Er entspringt dem Ganglion geniculare, wird in einen akzessorischen Hiatus parallel zu dem des Eileiters eingeführt, verlässt den Schädel durch ein kleines Loch zwischen dem ovalen und dem größeren runden Loch und erreicht das Ganglion oticum. Auf diesem Weg vereinigt er sich mit dem Nervus lesser deep petrousus, einem Ast des Nervus Jacobson des Glossopharynx, und beide ziehen zum Ganglion oticum.
<(F.): Petit nerf pétreux superficiel: it originates from the geniculated ganglion, is introduced into an accessory hiatus parallel to that of the Fallopian, exits the skull through a small hole between the oval and the larger round hole, reaching the otic ganglion. On this route it joins the lesser deep petrous nerve, a branch of the Jacobson's nerve of the glossopharynx, and both go towards the otic ganglion.
<(In.): Lesser petrosal nerve: origin in glossopharyngeal nerve. Course and distribution: takes origin from the rostral aspect of the tympanic plexus and from the genicular ganglion. It then runs below the greater petrosal nerve, passing lateral to the middle meningeal artery to reach the otic ganglion by passing through the foramen ovale or the canaliculus inominatus. It carries secretomotor preganglionic fibers from the inferior salivatory nucleus, associated with the glossopharyngeal nerve to the otic ganglion for relay in that ganglion. These are fibers, which assist the secretory function of the parotid gland and also the glands in the oropharynx and posterior 1/3 of tongue. Branches: preganglionic fibers to the otic ganglion; branches to the tympanic plexus. Functional component: GVE fibers, from the inferior salivatory nucleus. Root: Motor nucleus from the cranial part of the nucleus ambiguus and the rostral aspect of the inferior salivatory nucleus.